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TADS Workbench Command List
- Build.Abort
- Interrupt the current build process (this should be used only if the build appears to be stuck).
TADS 3 only
- Build.AllPackages
- Build all packages (Release ZIP, SETUP, Web Page, Source ZIP).
TADS 3 only
- Build.Clean
- Delete all of the project's "debug" compiler-output files - object files, symbol files, and the executable file.
TADS 3 only
- Build.CompileAndRun
- Compile the project in "debug" mode, and if successful, begin execution as soon as the build completes.
- Build.CompileExe
- Compile the project into a stand-alone executable that Windows users can run without installing the TADS Interpreter.
- Build.CompileForDebug
- Compile the project in "debug" mode, for execution in the integrated debugger.
- Build.CompileForDebugFull
- Compile the project in "debug" mode, recompiling all files, whether changed or not since the last build.
TADS 3 only
- Build.CompileForRelease
- Compile the project in "release" mode, for distribution to users.
- Build.CompileInstaller
- Compile the project and package it into a stand-alone SETUP program for single-file distribution to Windows users.
- Build.GoToError
- Display the source code line referenced by the error message at the current location in the Debug Log tool window.
- Build.Publish
- Publish the project to the Internet: upload to the IF Archive and create a listing on IFDB..
TADS 3 only
- Build.ReleaseZIP
- Build a ZIP file for release, with the compiled game and all "feelies".
TADS 3 only
- Build.Settings
- Display the Build Settings dialog to make changes to the project's build configuration.
- Build.SourceZIP
- Build a ZIP file containing the complete source code for the game, including the project file and all "feelies".
TADS 3 only
- Build.WebPage
- Generate a web page for distributing the game.
TADS 3 only
- Debug.AbortCommand
- Send an "abort" signal to the running program to terminate processing of the current game command.
- Debug.AddWatch
- Add the current text selection to the expression window.
- Debug.Break
- Break into the program's execution, interrupting any command-line editing under way.
- Debug.ClearCallTrace
- Clear the call trace log.
TADS 2 only
- Debug.DisableBreakpoint
- Disable the breakpoint (if any) at the current source code line.
- Debug.EditBreakpoints
- Display the Breakpoints dialog.
- Debug.Evaluate
- Compute and display the current value of an expression.
- Debug.Go
- Start or continue execution of the program.
- Debug.ReplaySession
- Restart the game and replay the input script from the current/last session.
TADS 3 only
- Debug.RunToCursor
- Start or continue execution, stopping upon reaching the current cursor location.
- Debug.SetClearBreakpoint
- Toggle the breakpoint at the current source code line.
- Debug.SetNextStatement
- Move the execution point to the current source code line.
- Debug.SetProgramArgs
- Display the Program Arguments dialog to enter command-line arguments to pass to the program on each run.
TADS 3 only
- Debug.ShowNextStatement
- Display the next source code line that will be executed when execution resumes.
- Debug.StepInto
- Step through one line of code, entering any function or method called.
- Debug.StepOut
- Continue execution until the current function or method returns to its caller.
- Debug.StepOver
- Step through one line of code, but run any function or methods called within the line to completion.
- Debug.ToggleCallTrace
- Start/stop collecting a log of all method and function calls.
TADS 2 only
- Debug.ToggleHiddenOutput
- Toggle the show/hide status for hidden command output.
TADS 2 only
- Edit.BackTab
- Unindent the current line by one position.
- Edit.Cancel
- Cancel any modes, and cancel the current selection.
- Edit.ChangeModified
- Set or clear the "modified" status for the active window.
- Edit.ChangeReadOnly
- Set or clear read-only mode for the active window.
- Edit.CharLeft
- Move the cursor left one character.
- Edit.CharLeftExtend
- Move the cursor left one character, extending the selection.
- Edit.CharLeftRectExtend
- Move the cursor left one character, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.CharRight
- Move the cursor right one character.
- Edit.CharRightExtend
- Move the cursor right one character, extending the selection.
- Edit.CharRightRectExtend
- Move the cursor right one character, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.CharTranspose
- Transpose the characters before and after the caret.
- Edit.ClearAllBookmarks
- Remove all bookmarks throughout the project.
- Edit.ClearFileBookmarks
- Remove all bookmarks in the current file.
- Edit.CommentRegion
- Add or remove comment markers on each line in the selected region.
- Edit.Copy
- Copy the current text selection.
- Edit.Cut
- Cut the current text selection.
- Edit.CutLineRight
- Cut from the caret to the end of the line.
- Edit.Delete
- Delete the current selection.
- Edit.DeleteBack
- Delete the previous character.
- Edit.DeleteBackNotLine
- Delete the previous character, but do nothing at the start of the line.
- Edit.DeleteChar
- Delete the selection, or the character at the caret if there's no selection.
- Edit.DelLineLeft
- Delete from the start of the line to the cursor.
- Edit.DelLineRight
- Delete from the cursor to the end of the line.
- Edit.DelWordLeft
- Delete the previous word.
- Edit.DelWordRight
- Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
- Edit.DocumentEnd
- Move the cursor to the end of the document.
- Edit.DocumentEndExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the document, extending the selection.
- Edit.DocumentStart
- Move the cursor to the start of the document.
- Edit.DocumentStartExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the document, extending the selection.
- Edit.FillParagraph
- Word-wrap the current paragraph or all of the paragraphs in the selection range.
- Edit.Find
- Search for text in the current source file.
- Edit.FindDefinition
- Search the project for the definition of the symbol at the cursor.
- Edit.FindNext
- Search for the next occurrence of the last search text.
- Edit.Formfeed
- Insert a page break ("form feed" character) at the cursor.
- Edit.GoToLine
- Go to a given line number in the current window.
- Edit.Home
- Move the cursor to the start of the line.
- Edit.HomeDisplay
- Move the cursor to the start of the display line.
- Edit.HomeDisplayExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the display line, extending the selection.
- Edit.HomeExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the line, extending the selection.
- Edit.HomeRectExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the line, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.HomeWrap
- Move the cursor to the start of the wrapped line.
- Edit.HomeWrapExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the wrapped line, extending the selection.
- Edit.IncSearch.Backspace
- Delete the last character of the search text.
- Edit.IncSearch.Cancel
- Cancel the current incremental search, returning to the position at the start of the search.
- Edit.IncSearch.Exit
- End the current incremental search, leaving the caret at the current position.
- Edit.IncSearch.Next
- Find the next occurrence of the search text.
- Edit.IncSearch.Prev
- Find the previous occurrence of the search text.
- Edit.IncSearch.ToggleExactCase
- Toggle exact-case matching for the current incremental search.
- Edit.IncSearch.ToggleRegEx
- Toggle regular-expression matching for the current incremental search.
- Edit.IncSearch.ToggleWord
- Toggle whole-word matching for the current incremental search.
- Edit.IndentHome
- Move the cursor to the start of the current line's indentation.
- Edit.IndentHomeExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the current line's indentation, extending the selection.
- Edit.IndentHomeRectExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the current line's indentation, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.IndentHomeWrap
- Move the cursor to the start of the current wrapped line's indentation.
- Edit.IndentHomeWrapExtend
- Move the cursor to the start of the current wrapped line's indentation, extending the selection.
- Edit.JumpToNamedBookmark
- Go to a named bookmark.
- Edit.JumpToNextBookmark
- Go to the next bookmark in the current file, or to the first bookmark in the next project file.
- Edit.JumpToPreviousBookmark
- Go to the previous bookmark in the current file, or to the last bookmark in the prior project file.
- Edit.LineCopy
- Copy the current line to the clipboard.
- Edit.LineCut
- Cut the current line, placing it on the clipboard.
- Edit.LineDelete
- Delete the current line.
- Edit.LineDown
- Move the cursor to the next line.
- Edit.LineDownExtend
- Move the cursor to the next line, extending the selection.
- Edit.LineDownRectExtend
- Move the cursor to the next line, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.LineDuplicate
- Insert a copy of the current line.
- Edit.LineEnd
- Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
- Edit.LineEndDisplay
- Move the cursor to the end of the current display line.
- Edit.LineEndDisplayExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the current display line, extending the selection.
- Edit.LineEndExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the current line, extending the selection.
- Edit.LineEndRectExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the current line, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.LineEndWrap
- Move the cursor to the end of the current wrapped line.
- Edit.LineEndWrapExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the current wrapped line, extending the selection.
- Edit.LineScrollDown
- Scroll the window down one line.
- Edit.LineScrollUp
- Scroll the window up one line.
- Edit.LineSelectMode
- Set line selection mode: sets "mark" to here; subsequent ordinary cursor movement selects whole lines.
- Edit.LineTranspose
- Transpose the current and previous lines.
- Edit.LineUp
- Move the cursor to the previous line.
- Edit.LineUpExtend
- Move the cursor to the previous line, extending the selection.
- Edit.LineUpRectExtend
- Move the cursor to the previous line, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.Lowercase
- Convert the selection to lower-case.
- Edit.Newline
- Insert a newline at the cursor.
- Edit.OpenLine
- Opens a new line at the cursor.
- Edit.PageDown
- Move the cursor down one page.
- Edit.PageDownExtend
- Move the cursor down one page, extending the selection.
- Edit.PageDownRectExtend
- Move the cursor down one page, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.PageLeft
- Scroll one window-width left.
- Edit.PageRight
- Scroll one window-width right.
- Edit.PageUp
- Move the cursor up one page.
- Edit.PageUpExtend
- Move the cursor up one page, extending the selection.
- Edit.PageUpRectExtend
- Move the cursor up one page, extending the rectangular selection.
- Edit.ParaDown
- Move the curor to the start of the next paragraph.
- Edit.ParaDownExtend
- Move the curor to the start of the next paragraph, extending the selection.
- Edit.ParaUp
- Move the cursor up by one paragraph.
- Edit.ParaUpExtend
- Move the cursor up by one paragraph, extending the selection.
- Edit.Paste
- Paste the contents of the clipboard.
- Edit.PastePop
- Replace the last Paste or PastePop text with the next most recent cut or copied text.
- Edit.PopBookmark
- Go to the most recently set bookmark, and pop it off the recent bookmark stack.
- Edit.QuoteKey
- Treat the next keystroke as a literal character to insert into the editor, not as a command key.
- Edit.RectSelectMode
- Set rectangle selection mode: sets "mark" to here; subsequent cursor movement defines a rectangular selection.
- Edit.Redo
- Redo the last editing action.
- Edit.RepeatCount
- Enter a number from the keyboard as a repeat count for the next editing command.
- Edit.Replace
- Search the active window for text and replace each occurrence.
- Edit.ScrollLeft
- Scroll one column left.
- Edit.ScrollRight
- Scroll one column right.
- Edit.SearchIncremental
- Search incrementally for text entered interactively.
- Edit.SearchRegexIncremental
- Incremental regular expression search.
- Edit.SearchRevIncremental
- Incremental reverse search.
- Edit.SearchRevRegexIncremental
- Incremental reverse regular expression search.
- Edit.SelectAll
- Select everything in the current window.
- Edit.SelectionDuplicate
- Insert a copy of the selection.
- Edit.SelectionMode
- Set selection mode: sets "mark" to here; subsequent ordinary cursor movement defines a selection.
- Edit.SelectToMark
- Select the text between the current position and the "mark" position.
- Edit.SetNamedBookmark
- Set a named bookmark at the current line.
- Edit.ShowFolding
- Show the code-folding controls in text editing windows.
- Edit.ShowLineNumbers
- Show line numbers in text editing windows.
- Edit.SplitWindow
- Split the current window 50/50 horizontally.
- Edit.StutteredPageDown
- Move the cursor to the bottom of the current page, or down a page if already at the bottom.
- Edit.StutteredPageDownExtend
- Move the cursor to the bottom of the page or down one page if already there, extending the selection.
- Edit.StutteredPageUp
- Move the cursor to the top of the current page, or up one page if already at the top.
- Edit.StutteredPageUpExtend
- Move the cursor to the top of the page or up one page if already there, extending the selection.
- Edit.SwapMark
- Swap the current position with the "mark" position.
- Edit.SwitchSplitWindow
- Move focus to the other pane of a split window.
- Edit.Tab
- Indent the current line by one position.
- Edit.ToggleBookmark
- Set or clear a bookmark at the current line.
- Edit.ToggleOvertype
- Toggle between Insert and Overtype modes.
- Edit.Undo
- Undo the last editing action.
- Edit.UnsplitSwitchWindow
- Switch to the other split pane and un-split the window.
- Edit.UnsplitWindow
- Un-split the window to show as a single pane.
- Edit.Uppercase
- Convert the selection to uppper-case.
- Edit.VCenterCaret
- Scroll the window to center the caret vertically.
- Edit.WindowEnd
- Move the caret to the bottom of the window.
- Edit.WindowHome
- Move the caret to the top of the window.
- Edit.WordLeft
- Move the cursor left by one word.
- Edit.WordLeftEnd
- Move the cursor to the end of the previous word.
- Edit.WordLeftEndExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the previous word, extending the selection.
- Edit.WordLeftExtend
- Move the cursor left by one word, extending the selection.
- Edit.WordPartLeft
- Move the cursor left to the prior "word part" (intercap, underscore, etc).
- Edit.WordPartLeftExtend
- Move the cursor left to the prior "word part" (intercap, underscore, etc), extending the selection.
- Edit.WordPartRight
- Move the cursor right to the next "word part" (intercap, underscore, etc).
- Edit.WordPartRightExtend
- Move the cursor right to the next "word part" (intercap, underscore, etc), extending the selection.
- Edit.WordRight
- Move the cursor right by one word.
- Edit.WordRightEnd
- Move the cursor to the end of the next word.
- Edit.WordRightEndExtend
- Move the cursor to the end of the next word, extending the selection.
- Edit.WordRightExtend
- Move the cursor right by one word, extending the selection.
- Edit.WrapChar
- Wrap long lines in the active window at any character boundary.
- Edit.WrapNone
- Turn off word-wrap and character-wrap mode for the active window.
- Edit.WrapWord
- Wrap long lines in the active window at word boundaries.
- File.Close
- Close the current window.
- File.Exit
- Exit the application.
- File.New
- Create a new file.
- File.NewProject
- Run the New Project Wizard to create a new project.
- File.Open
- Open a file.
- File.OpenProject
- Open a project (closes the current project).
- File.PageSetup
- Select a printer and set up the page layout for printing.
- File.Print
- Print the current document window.
- File.ReloadProject
- Close the current project and reload it.
- File.RestartProgram
- Terminate the running program and start it again.
- File.Save
- Save the current file.
- File.SaveAll
- Save all modified files.
- File.SaveAs
- Save the current file under a new name.
- File.SendToExternalEditor
- Open the current file in the external text editor application.
- File.StopProgram
- Terminate the running program.
- Help.About
- Show TADS Workbench version and copyright information.
- Help.EnterDocSearch
- Move keyboard focus to the Search toolbar to enter keywords for a documentation search.
- Help.GoBack
- Go back to the previous page in the help window.
- Help.GoForward
- Navigate forward to the next page in the help window.
- Help.LibraryManual
- Open the on-line Library Manual.
TADS 3 only
- Help.Manuals
- Open the on-line User's Manual.
- Help.ParserManual
- Open the on-line Parser Manual.
TADS 2 only
- Help.Refresh
- Reload the page displayed in the help window.
- Help.SearchDoc
- Search the documentation for keywords.
- Help.Topics
- Open the on-line Help and go to the main topic list.
- Help.Tutorial
- Open the on-line Tutorial manual.
TADS 3 only
- Profiler.Start
- Begin collecting "profiling" performance data, which monitors the amount of time spent in each function and method called while profiling is activated.
TADS 3 only
- Profiler.Stop
- Stop collecting profiling data.
TADS 3 only
- Project.AddActiveFile
- Add the file in the active text editor window to the project.
TADS 3 only
- Project.AddExternalResource
- Add an external resource file to the project.
TADS 3 only
- Project.AddFile
- Browse for a file or files to add to the project.
TADS 3 only
- Project.AddFolder
- Add all files in a specified folder to the project in the selected section.
TADS 3 only
- Project.IncludeInInstall
- If an external resource file is selected in the Project window, toggle its "included in install" status.
TADS 3 only
- Project.OpenSelection
- Open the file selected in the Project window.
TADS 3 only
- Project.RemoveSelection
- Remove the file selected in the Project window from the project.
TADS 3 only
- Project.ScanIncludes
- Rebuild the project's list of header files by scanning the source files for #include directives.
TADS 3 only
- Project.SearchFiles
- Search for text in the project's source files.
TADS 3 only
- Project.SearchFilesReplace
- Search all project files for text and replace each occurrence.
- Project.SetFileTitle
- Set the title to display in the Start Menu or Web Page for the selected file.
TADS 3 only
- Project.SetSpecial
- Select the file to use for the selected special item in the Project list.
TADS 3 only
- Script.ReplayToCursor
- Replay the current script up to (and including) the line containing the cursor.
TADS 3 only
- Tools.EditExternal
- Edit the list of external commands displayed on the Tools menu.
- Tools.NewIFID
- Create an IFID (an Interative Fiction IDentifier, for use in GameInfo metadata).
- Tools.Options
- Display the Options dialog to customize the Workbench environment and text editor.
- Tools.ReadIFID
- Read the IFID from a previously released TADS game.
- View.AutoFlushGameWin
- Automatically flush buffered output in the main game window every time the debugger gets control.
- View.CallTraceWindow
- Show the Trace Log tool window.
TADS 2 only
- View.DebugToolbar
- Show/Hide the Debug toolbar.
- View.DocSearch
- Show the Documentation Search Results tool window.
- View.DocToolbar
- Show/Hide the Documentation toolbar.
- View.EditToolbar
- Show/Hide the Text Editing toolbar.
- View.ExprWindow
- Show the Expression tool window.
- View.FileSearch
- Show the Project File Search Results tool window.
- View.FlushGameWin
- Flush any buffered output in the main game window.
- View.GameWindow
- Show the main game window, and bring to the front.
- View.Help
- Show the Help/Documentation Viewer tool window.
- View.LocalsWindow
- Show the Local Variables tool window.
- View.Menu
- Show/Hide the main menu.
- View.ProjectWindow
- Show the Project window.
TADS 3 only
- View.ScriptWindow
- Show the Script tool window.
TADS 3 only
- View.SearchToolbar
- Show/Hide the Search toolbar.
- View.ShowDebugWin
- Show the Debug Log tool window.
- View.StackWindow
- Show the Stack tool window.
- View.Statusline
- Show/Hide the status line.
- Window.Cascade
- Reposition all open windows in a staggered formation.
- Window.CloseAllDocuments
- Close all document windows.
- Window.Dock
- Dock the active dockable window.
- Window.DockHide
- Hide the active docking window.
- Window.DockingMode
- Make the current MDI tool window into a dockable tool window, or vice versa.
- Window.Maximize
- Maximize the window.
- Window.Minimize
- Minimize the window.
- Window.Next
- Switch to the next window.
- Window.Prev
- Switch to the previous window.
- Window.Restore
- Restore the current maximized window to its original size.
- Window.TileHoriz
- Reposition all open windows in a horizontal tile pattern.
- Window.TileVert
- Reposition all open windows in a vertical tile pattern.
- Window.Undock
- Undock the active docking window, making it a floating tool window.
Help Topics > Table of Contents