How to Install the TADS Manuals

Comprehensive documentation for TADS can be found in two manuals: the TADS Author's Manual, which describes the TADS language, built-in functions, and standard library; and the TADS Parser Manual, which covers the player command parser.

You're probably reading this page because you tried to open one of these manuals from the Help menu within TADS Workbench.

The Author's Manual and the Parser Manual are not included with the TADS Author's Kit distribution, so you must download these files separately. The files are separated from the Author's Kit because some people prefer not to have to take the time to download the manuals every time they update their TADS software.

If you'd like to be able to access the TADS manuals from within TADS Workbench, please follow these steps to install the manuals on your computer:

1. Download these files:

    The TADS Author's Manual:

    The TADS Parser Manual:

2. Create a subdirectory called DOC in your TADS program files directory.

3. UNZIP the files above into your new DOC directory.

After completing these steps, you should be able to access the TADS manuals from the Help menu in TADS Workbench.

Copyright ©1999, 2007 by Michael J. Roberts.