Workbench's integrated text editor is an open-source program called Scintilla. The Scintilla project has its own Web page, at That site has extensive documentation, but unfortunately it's almost all written for programmers who want to use Scintilla in other programs, rather than for "end users" who just want to use Scintilla to edit their documents.
Fortunately, for the most part, Scintilla behaves very much like any other Windows text editor for all of the basic editing tasks - moving the cursor, selecting text with the mouse, typing, cut and paste, and so on. You should be able to figure out the basics pretty quickly if you're at all familiar with any other Windows applications, so we won't dwell on those parts.
However, Scintilla is more than just a Windows text editor: it's a programmer's text editor. That means that it has a number of features that are advanced or idiosyncratic - usually both. These extra features, outside of what you'd find in an ordinary Windows text editor or word processor, merit some extra discussion.
There are a lot of things that set programmer's editors apart from the ordinary sort of editor, but one of the really big ones is customizability. Programmers do a lot of typing, and tend to place a premium on efficiency - not only in the programs they write, but in the process of writing them. So it's natural for programmers to want to make their typing workload as light as possible. One important way to do this is to adjust your keyboard to fit your working style, rather than vice versa. It's a basic requirement for a programmer's editor, therefore, that the user should be able to easily change the way the keyboard works.
Workbench provides keyboard customization not only in the editor, but throughout the entire environment. You can customize the editor key mapping using the general-purpose Workbench keyboard customizer. This is described in detail in Customizing Workbench.
Scintilla provides a few variations on behavior for some of the basic cursor keys. The variations are basically matters of taste, to let you choose the behavior that best matches what you're accustomed to from other editors you've used, or simply what best suits your taste.
The variations are handled through customization. Rather than providing yet another option setting to control which variation you want for a given command, Scintilla provides several different versions of the command; to choose the custom behavior you want, you simply choose which version of the command you want, and map that version as the definition of the corresponding key.
Start of line: This is normally mapped to the Home key. Scintilla lets you move the cursor to the actual start of the line via the command Edit.Home, or to the start of the indented text on the line (that is, the first non-blank character) via Edit.IndentHome. Edit.HomeDisplay moves the cursor to the start of the current display line - that is, if the line is wrapped because it's too wide to fit the window, Edit.HomeDisplay moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line as actually displayed, rather than to the start of the entire overall line. Edit.HomeWrap is almost the same as Edit.HomeDisplay, but has the additional feature of moving the cursor to the start of the actual line if it's already at the start of the display line. Edit.IndentHomeWrap is a combination of Edit.IndentHome and Edit.HomeWrap.
End of line: This is normally mapped to the End key. Scintilla lets you move the cursor to the actual end of the line via Edit.LineEnd. Edit.LineEndDisplay moves the cursor to the end of the display line, if the line is wrapped; Edit.LineEndWrap does the same thing, but also moves the cursor to the end of the actual line if it's already at the end of the display line.
Page Up/Down: The Edit.PageUp and Edit.PageDown commands scroll the window up or down one page - that is, by approximately the height of the editor window. These commands move the cursor by the same amount. Edit.StutteredPageUp and Edit.StutteredPageDown move the cursor to the first or last line in the window; if the cursor is already there, they move up or down by a page.
The editor has some features that are customized for each file according to the file's "language mode." In particular, syntax coloring and auto-indenting are controlled by the mode.
When you open a file, the editor selects a default language mode for the file. This is typically based on the file's extension - the part of the filename following the last period (".") in the name. For example, the editor assumes that any file that ends in ".t" or ".h" is a TADS source file, and assumes that any file ending in ".htm" or ".html" is an HTML (Web page source) file.
You can explicitly change the language mode for a window after opening it using the Language Mode submenu of the Edit menu. If you do change a file's language mode explicitly, Workbench will remember the setting, and will use the same mode when you open the file again in the future - this means you won't have to manually change the file's mode again every time you edit it.
Another important feature that makes an editor a programmer's editor is "syntax coloring." This is the ability of the editor to color-code the elements of the source text, based on the lexical rules of the language that the source text is written in. Most programmers find that syntax coloring makes it easier to see the structure of a program - it makes literal elements like comments and strings stand out clearly from the surrounding program text, for example, and makes it easier to see significant punctuation marks.
The Workbench editor has full syntax coloring capabilities for several programming languages. Scintilla itself has built-in support for dozens of languages, plus the ability to add infinitely more languages through an open extensibility mechanism. To simplify the UI, though, Workbench only includes out-of-the-box support for the languages that we expect to be most useful to TADS users - TADS itself, of course, plus HTML, XML, and TADS command scripts.
You can customize the color settings - and whether to use syntax coloring at all - for each of the language modes individually. Within each language mode, you can select your own color settings for each type of lexical element. The color customizer is part of the main Options dialog - go to the Syntax Coloring page.
User Keywords: The TADS 3 language mode has special syntax element categories called User Keywords 1, User Keywords 2, and User Keywords 3. These categories let you specify your own custom sets of keywords that you want to display in separate colors. For each User Keywords category, you can specify a custom color for that category, and you can specify a list of keywords to display in that custom color. You can use this, for example, to set special coloring for particular object names or library macros.
To specify a set of keywords to associated with one of these categories, open the Options dialog, go to the Syntax Coloring page, and selected one of the User Keywords items in the Syntax Elements list. Then click the Keywords button - this will bring up a dialog that lets you enter the keywords to associate with the category. You can enter any number of keywords, separated by spaces. Note that the keywords you enter must conform to the standard syntax rules for symbols, so they can only contain letters, digits, and underscores.
Some of the language modes provide auto-indenting. This feature automatically keeps the program indented to the proper level as you type it. This is a tremendous time-saver; it saves you from having to insert spaces or tabs in the margin every time you start a new line.
In TADS source files, the auto-indenter is triggered by several keys, including the Return key, colons and semicolons, and the various "bracket" characters (parentheses, braces, and square brackets). It's designed so that you can just type away, and the indentation will come out right without your ever having to insert spaces at the start of a line. ("Right" is defined roughly as the way the adv3 library is indented.)
The auto-indenter can take a little getting used to. For one thing, it can be a little strange for lines to jump around as you type them. For another, some lines won't appear to be correctly indented right away - you might have to type part or all of the line before the indenter figures out where the line is supposed to go. If the auto-indent feature seems weird to you at first, we'd recommend giving it a little time, a chance to grow on you. The amount of time it can save you is huge.
The auto-indenter normally works as you type in new code. Sometimes, though, you'll want to adjust the indentation of a block of existing code. For example, if you insert an if condition, and move a block of existing code into the "then" part of the if, the existing code moved into the "then" block would need to be indented one level. Or, suppose you cut and paste a block of code from one function to another; the inserted code might need to be re-indented to fit its new surroundings.
The auto-indenter can help in cases like these. The indenter not only automatically indents new code, but can be called upon explicitly to indent existing code.
To explicitly recalculate the indentation for a block of code, select the range of text you'd like to re-indent, then press the Ctrl+I key combination. This invokes the command Ext.Edit.SyntaxIndent in the default and Epsilon-style keyboard mappings supplied with Workbench; if you've customized the keyboard, you might need to use a different key combination. This command explicitly reindents the entire selected block of code, as though you'd just typed in the code.
You can also indent code using the Alt+Q key, which invokes the Edit.FillParagraph command in the standard key layouts. In the TADS language mode, Alt+Q acts just like Ctrl+I when a region is selected. When there's no region selected, Alt+Q looks at the cursor position to determine what to do: if the cursor is in a string, it reformats the string; if the cursor is in a block comment, it reformats the comment; otherwise it just reindents the line like Ctrl+I.
In the TADS language mode, the editor provides another automatic formatting feature: comment auto-formatting. The comment formatter is triggered when you type the closing "/" of a multi-line block comment (/*...*/). The comment formatter does the following:
Like the auto-indenter, the comment auto-formatter can take a little getting used to. If you don't like it, you can turn this feature off via the Indenting page of the main Options dialog.
You can explicitly re-indent a comment - applying the same rules listed above - by using the key combination Alt+Q (in the standard keyboard layouts) any time the cursor is within a block comment. This invokes the Edit.FillParagraph command, which the TADS language mode interprets as comment reformatting when there's no selected range and the cursor is within a block comment. In addition, any time you reindent a region of code, the indenter automatically reformats any comments within the region.
(There's also a dedicated command for reformatting a comment: Ext.Edit.FormatComment. This command isn't assigned to any key in the standard key layouts, since that makes for fewer keys to memorize. All you have to remember is that Alt+Q is the master re-indenter command.)
TADS source code tends to have a lot of quoted text, since so much of writing a text game is (it seems needless to say) writing the text. These passages often span multiple lines, and any time you edit a multi-line passage, you might need to fix up the line breaks to make everything fit into the screen width again. This is tedious to do by hand, but luckily, the editor has a command that automatically does this sort of reformatting for you.
To reformat a string, move the cursor within a string and press Alt+Q. This invokes the Edit.FillParagraph command, which the TADS language mode interprets as reformatting the string containing the cursor when the cursor is within a string.
(There's also a dedicated command for reformatting a string: Ext.Edit.FormatString. But this command isn't assigned to any keys in the default key mappings, since that makes for fewer keys to memorize. All you have to remember is that Alt+Q is the master re-indenter command.)
Pressing Alt+Q when the cursor is within a string will automatically find the boundaries of the string, and will then re-flow the string as though it were a paragraph of text, word-wrapping the text to fit the margin width and the current indentation level. If the cursor is within an embedded << >> expression, the command applies to the entire enclosing string, not just the embedded expression.
The string formatter will not break lines at spaces within {xxx} substitution parameter strings. It also won't break at a space at the end of a string. (It's common to put a space at the end of a string to ensure that any subsequent text that's displayed immediately after the string in question is properly spaced out in the final display. Breaking the line there usually looks inelegant, because it typically does something like leaving a bare close quote, or just a close quote plus a semicolon, on a line by itself.)
The string reformatter recognizes several formatting codes that add explicit line breaks in the displayed text: \n, \b, <br>, <p>, and <.p>. If one of these codes appears at the end or at the beginning of a line (as the string appears just before the command is invoked), the formatter leaves the adjacent line break in place. This will retain the line structure if you intentionally break up source lines at line-breaking display codes, which many people do so that they can more easily see the approximate shape of the string as displayed at run-time.
The editor lets you mark a location in a source file so that you can easily return there later. These location markers are called "bookmarks."
The editor provides three different ways of working with bookmarks. You might find that one of these fits your working style best, or you might find that you use each of these on different occasions.
Scanning: The first style is to simply use bookmarks to mark a few places in the code that you frequently return to, and then to scan through the bookmarks sequentially any time you want to return to one of these oft-visited location.
To set a bookmark, move the cursor to the location that you want to mark, then press Alt+/ (this invokes Edit.ToggleBookmark in the standard keyboard mappings).
To scan through the bookmarks you've set, press Ctrl+Shift+J (Edit.JumpToNextBookmark in the Workbench default mapping; in the Epsilon-style mapping, it's Ctrl+X Ctrl+J). Each time you press this key, the editor will jump to the nearest bookmark after the cursor position. If the next bookmark is in a different file, the editor will jump to the new file. If you reach the last bookmark, the editor will cycle around back to the first - so no matter where you start, you can always cycle through all of the bookmarks by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J repeatedly.
Naming: The second style is to assign names to your bookmarks. You can then easily return to a specific bookmark by name, rather than having to hunt through all of the bookmarks sequentially. A bookmark name is limited to a single letter, so you can set up to 26 named bookmarks - A through Z.
To set a named bookmark, press Alt+Shift+/ (Edit.SetNamedBookmark), then press the letter you'd like to assign as the bookmark's name. To jump to a named bookmark, press Ctrl+J (Edit.JumpToNamedBookmark in the Workbench default mapping; in the Epsilon-style mapping, its Ctrl+X J), then press the letter naming the bookmark to go to.
Named bookmarks otherwise work like regular ("anonymous") bookmarks, so they're included in the cycle when you use Ctrl+Shift+J to scan through all bookmarks, and are included in the "stack" cycle as well (which we'll come to next).
Stacking: The third style of bookmarking is to use bookmarks as a "stack." That's in the computer programming sense, of a last-in, first-out collection. The stack style is useful when you're following a series of cross-references through many parts of a file, or through several files, and you find that one thing leads to another, which leads to another, and another. In this type of situation, you might want to work your way back through the files the way you came, maybe branching off into other references along the way.
To facilitate the stack style of usage, the bookmark system automatically remembers the order in which bookmarks were added, and provides a command to jump back to the most recently defined bookmark.
To set a bookmark, move the cursor to the location you want to mark, and press Alt+/ (this invokes the command Edit.ToggleBookmark in the standard keyboard mappings).
To jump back to the most recent bookmark, press Alt+J (Edit.PopBookmark in the standard mappings). This command does two things: first, it jumps to the latest bookmark defined; second, it moves that bookmark to the least recent position in the bookmark list. This means that pressing Alt+J again will jump to the second most recently defined bookmark, then the third, and so on. This lets you retrace your steps, essentially following a trail of breadcrumbs back to where you started.
Other notes: You can delete a bookmark by moving to a line containing a bookmark and pressing Alt+/ (Edit.ToggleBookmark). This deletes any named or anonymous bookmarks set on the same line. Setting a new named bookmark on a line deletes any previous bookmarks on the same line. Setting a named bookmark also deletes any existing bookmark with the same name.
The editor displays a little blue diamond in the margin at each line containing a bookmark, so you can see visually where any bookmarks are located in a file.
Bookmarks are saved with the project configuration, so they'll be reinstated each time you start a new Workbench session.
The editor has a command that searches for the definition of a symbol. Position the cursor at the symbol whose definition you're looking for, and press F6. The default keyboard mappings assign F6 to the command Edit.FindDefinition. This command searches all of the files in the project list for the symbol. If a match is found, the editor opens the file containing the match and selects the matching symbol text.
Some symbols have more than one definition. In this case, you can continue searching for alternative definitions simply by pressing F6 again. Since each successful search leaves the cursor positioned at the symbol name in the definition line it found, pressing F6 again will perform another search for the same symbol, starting at the last definition found.
The search recognizes TADS 3-style definitions, including function, object, class, and grammar definitions; modify and replace statements; object definitions starting with "+"; and DefineXAction() macros.
The editor has a feature called "code folding" that lets you selectively hide sections of your source text, to better see the overall block structure. It's similar to the way some word processors let you show and hide parts of an outline: you might want to hide all of the sub-points below the big roman numeral sections, for example, so that you can see the main points at the top level in the outline. Code folding works like that, except that the levels are defined by the lexical structure of the code: an object is at the top level, within an object are properties and methods, within methods are statements, and some statements contain sub-statements enclosed in braces.
To use folding, you first have to tell the editor to show you the folding controls. Do this by going to the Edit menu and selecting the command Show Folding Controls. (If the menu item is checked, folding is already enabled.)
The folding controls show as little "+" and "-" signs in the left margin. These work essentially like the +/- buttons in Windows tree controls, such as in Windows Explorer when you're viewing the tree of folders on your disk. Each + or - is a folding point, which is the first line of a lexical block. You'll see one of these at the start of each object definition, at the start of each method definition, and at the start of each brace block within a method. Initially, the editor displays the entire file - nothing is hidden, so all of the folding points are "open." An open folding point is displayed as a minus sign, because clicking it will "close" the block - that is, hide everything but the first line in the block. This will change the minus sign to a plus sign, to indicate that clicking the button now will open the block back up, showing all of the lines within.
The point of folding is that it lets you hide the details of a long block of code so that you can see the overall block structure at a glance. This is sometimes helpful, especially in long stretches of procedural code within a method - it might make it easier to see how an "if" and "else" match up, for instance, or to see exactly what happens next after exiting a long "switch" block.
Some people really like folding, and some don't find it very useful; that's why Workbench provides it if you want it, but doesn't force you to use it.
The editor has a convenient way of repeating a character or keyboard command a given number of times. To do this, use the Edit.RepeatCount command, which is assigned to Ctrl+U in the standard keyboard mappings, then type a number giving how many times you'd like to repeat the next command. Then, just press the character or command key.
For example, to enter a row of 80 dashes, you can just type this sequence of keys:
Ctrl+U 8 0 -
The repeat count applies only to the very next character or command key you type. Clicking the mouse anywhere cancels the repeat count entry, as does pressing the Edit.Cancel key (this is Esc in the Workbench Default key mapping, or Ctrl+G in the Epsilon-style mapping).
If you want to type a digit key repeatedly, use the Edit.QuoteKey command, which is assigned to Ctrl+Q in the default mappings. After pressing the Edit.QuoteKey key, press the digit key you want to enter. For example, to enter 100 zeroes, you'd type:
Ctrl+U 1 0 0 Ctrl+Q 0
The repeat count is only obeyed by certain commands. It works for ordinary character keys, for the cursor-movement commands (the arrow keys, Page Up and Down, and so on), and for the various delete-character and delete-word commands. Other commands will simply ignore the repeat count.
Workbench treats every Ctrl+Letter key as a command key, whether or not your keyboard mapping actually assigns a command to that particular Ctrl combination. If there's no command assigned to a particular Ctrl+Letter key, Workbench simply ignores that key.
Now, those Ctrl+Letter keys all have an additional meaning outside of Workbench: they all generate what are called "control characters," which are special ASCII characters that have various special meanings, depending on the application. Some of the control characters are quite common - for example, the end of each line of a conventional text file is denoted by a combination of Ctrl-M and Ctrl-J characters, also known (respectively) as the Carriage Return and Line Feed characters. Most of the other control characters are somewhat more fluid in their meaning, varying from one application to another in interpretation.
In any case, Workbench's monopolization of the Ctrl+Letter keys creates a slight complication: in rare cases, you might actually want to enter a control character directly into a text file. Fortunately, Workbench provides a way to do this: the Edit.QuoteKey command, which is assigned to Ctrl+Q in the default keyboard mappings.
Here's how it works: press the Edit.QuoteKey command key, then press the special character key you want to enter into the text file. For example, to enter a Ctrl-C character, you could do this:
Ctrl+Q Ctrl+C
Note that the Scintilla editor window displays control characters that occur in the file using special symbols, which look like this:
The symbol shows an abbreviation for the ASCII name of the control character. These are rather archaic holdovers from the early days of digital telecommunications, so they're cryptic to modern eyes. For reference, here are the symbol codes:
ASCII code | Key | Symbol |
0 | Ctrl+@ | NUL |
1 | Ctrl+A | SOH |
2 | Ctrl+B | STX |
3 | Ctrl+C | ETX |
4 | Ctrl+D | EOT |
5 | Ctrl+E | ENQ |
6 | Ctrl+F | ACK |
7 | Ctrl+G | BEL |
8 | Ctrl+H or Backspace | BS |
9 | Ctrl+I or Tab | HT |
10 | Ctrl+J | LF |
11 | Ctrl+K | VT |
12 | Ctrl+L | FF |
13 | Ctrl+M or Enter | CR |
14 | Ctrl+N | SO |
15 | Ctrl+O | SI |
16 | Ctrl+P | DLE |
17 | Ctrl+Q | DC1 |
18 | Ctrl+R | DC2 |
19 | Ctrl+S | DC3 |
20 | Ctrl+T | DC4 |
21 | Ctrl+U | NAK |
22 | Ctrl+V | SYN |
23 | Ctrl+W | ETB |
24 | Ctrl+X | CAN |
25 | Ctrl+Y | EM |
26 | Ctrl+Z | SUB |
27 | Ctrl+[ or Esc | ESC |
28 | Ctrl+\ | FS |
29 | Ctrl+] | GS |
30 | Ctrl+^ | RS |
31 | Ctrl+_ | US |
Note that the editor actually uses a few of the control characters for its own purposes. Specifically, Ctrl-M (Carriage Return) and Ctrl-J (Line Feed) are used to denote line endings, and Ctrl-I (Tab) represents a horizontal tab. Scintilla will interpret any of these characters as it normally would, even if you insert it with Edit.QuoteKey, so you won't see the corresponding special symbol.
The Workbench editor has a typical Windows-style Find command, which lets you enter search text using a dialog box. In addition, the editor has another search mode, known as "incremental" search.
To start an incremental search, use the Edit.SearchIncremental command, which is assigned to Ctrl+F3 in the Workbench default key mapping (or Ctrl+S in the Epsilon-style mapping). This will show a prompt in the status line. You can now begin typing your search term.
Incremental search is so named because it performs the search as you type the search text. Each time you type another letter, the editor immediately jumps to the first location matching the updated search term. If you press backspace to delete the previous letter, the incremental search immediately goes back to the first match for the shorter word.
As you enter the search term, Workbench shows the term being entered on the status line, and highlights the current matching text in the editor window. Each time you add or remove text, the editor highlights the updated match.
If you want to find the next match after the current highlighted match, just press the incremental-search key again. The editor will highlight the next match. Press the key again to jump to each subsequent match. To go back to a previous match, press Ctrl+R (for "reverse").
You can stop the incremental search by pressing Esc. This leaves the latest match highlighted in the editor. Alternatively, you can cancel the search by pressing Ctrl+G - this acts as though the search never took place, returning the cursor to its position before you started the search.
While you're performing the search, you can press Ctrl+C to toggle "exact case" matching on and off. By default, exact case matching is off, so press Ctrl+C to turn it on. Exact-case matching means that the editor will only match text that has exactly the same upper/lower case text as the search term you type.
Pressing Ctrl+W during the search toggles "whole word" match mode, meaning that the search term will only match a separate word in the file. That is, there can't be a letter or number immediately before or after the matching text.
You can press Ctrl+T during the search to toggle "regular expression" mode on and off. By default, an incremental search is literal, meaning that the editor simply matches the text you type character for character. If you turn on regular expression mode, the editor instead interprets your search term as a regular expression pattern. The editor uses the same regular expression syntax as TADS 3 itself.
Incremental search ultimately performs the same function as the traditional dialog-box Find command, but many programmers prefer it because it can be operated entirely from the keyboard, without having to fuss around with the mouse and a dialog box.
You can use incremental search to set the selection range. To use this ability, first move to the starting point for the selection, and use a "selection mode" command - see the section on Emacs-style mark-and-select below. For example, in the Epsilon-style mapping, you'd move to the start position and press Ctrl+Space to start the selection. Next, perform the incremental search as normal. When you find the term you're looking for, end the search normally (in the default and Epsilon mappings, this is the Esc key). The selection will now be expanded to include everything betweee the starting point you set prior to the search and the end of the matching text from the search.
There's one more handy feature that's worth noting. If you want run another incremental search that repeats the last one you did, just press the incremental search command key twice in a row - Ctrl+F3 Ctrl+F3 for the default mapping, Ctrl+S Ctrl+S for the Epsilon-style mapping. This will automatically re-enter the most recent incremental search term. In practice, one often wants to find the same term several times in a row, making a few edits at each occurrence and then moving on to the next; the auto-repeat feature makes this sort of task especially easy.
The Edit.Replace command (Ctrl+R for the Workbench Default key mapping, or Esc % in the Epsilon-style mapping) can search for matches to a regular expression, if you check the box for that. When the search term is a regular expression, there's a special feature available for the replacement text: you can substitute "groups" from the original matching text back into the replacement text.
A "group" is simply a parenthesized expression in the regular expression pattern. Each group is assigned a number; the first open parenthesis (reading from the left of the pattern) starts group number 1, the next open paren is group 2, and so on. The numbering is always based on the open (left) parenthesis of a group. Nesting doesn't matter; just count left parens from the start of the string.
Each time the Search-and-Replace system finds a match for the regular expression, it remembers the part of the matching text that matches each parenthesized group in the expression. When it replaces a match with the substitution text, it looks for any occurrences of the symbols \1, \2, \3, and so on - that is, a backslash followed by a digit. Each of these symbols is replaced by the original matching text for the corresponding group.
For example, suppose the search term is (<alpha>+)Room, and the replacement text is \1Zimmer. When this matches the text DarkRoom in the file, the replacement text will be DarkZimmer - the text that matches the first parenthesized group is Dark, so when the replacement is made, Dark is substituted for the \1 symbol in the replacement text.
Refer to the TADS 3 documentation for full details on the regular expression syntax. Note that the replacement process works like the TADS 3 intrinsic function rexReplace(), except that group-match symbols in the replacement text are denoted with backslashes (\1, etc) in the text editor instead of the percent signs (%1, etc) used in rexReplace.
In Windows text editors and word processors, the usual way of selecting text is as a "range," which is simply all of the text between two character positions in the file. This is the standard selection mode in Scintilla, of course, but Scintilla also supports something called "rectangular" selections. Rectangular selection mode is quite unusual in Windows programs in general, but is not uncommon in programmer's editors.
A rectangular selection is a block of text that includes a range of character columns across a range of lines. It's called rectangular because that's the way it looks visually. Here's an example of what it might look like:
This is the first line. This is the second line. This is the third line. This is the fourth line. Short line. This is the sixth line. And this is the last line.
Here we have a rectangular selection that runs from column 6 to column 15, and from line 2 to line 6. With a "range" selection, all of the text at the beginnings of lines 3 through 6 would be part of the selection, but with a rectangular selection we can limit the selection to a column range.
To create a rectangular selection, you can use any of the Edit.xxxRectExtend commands. These are assigned in the default key mappings to the Alt+Shift+cursor keys - the arrow keys, Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down. Move the cursor to the upper left or lower right of the rectangular area you'd like to select, then use Alt+Shift+cursor keys to move the cursor to the opposing corner of the area. This will highlight the rectangular area. You can then use Cut, Copy, or similar commands to manipulate the selection.
The usual ways of selecting a range of text in a Windows text editor or word processor are (1) dragging the mouse over the desired range, and (2) moving the cursor to one end of the range-to-be, then using the Shift+cursor keys to move to the other end of the range, extending the selection as you go. These methods naturally work as you'd expect in Scintilla.
Scintilla offers a third way of selecting a text range. This third way will be familiar to users of Emacs and its descendants, and is included specifically for their convenience.
The Emacs style of selecting a range is as follows: first, you move the cursor to one end of the range, and press a special key to set the "mark"; then you simply move the cursor to the other end of the range, using the normal cursor keys. At any given time, the text between the current cursor position and the mark constitutes the selected region.
The "mark" command is Edit.SelectionMode. This command isn't assigned to any key in the Workbench Default key map, since it's not something that most Windows users would expect. The command is assigned in the Epsilon-style mapping, though: in that mapping, it's on the Ctrl+Space and Ctrl+@ keys.
Note that the Epsilon-style mapping also assigns a key to the Edit.RectSelectMode, which is similar to Edit.SelectionMode except that it marks the start of a rectangular selection. The key assigned is Ctrl+X # (that's a two-key chord: first press Ctrl+X, then press #).
You can explicitly cancel regular or rectangular selection mode by pressing the Edit.Cancel key, which is assigned to Ctrl+G in the Epsilon-style mapping. The editor implicitly cancels the selection after most commands that directly use it, such as Copy.
Another Emacs-style feature that the editor provides is something called the "mark." This an invisible position that the editor maintains; it's separate from the cursor position and the selection range endpoints. The mark is essentially a temporary, ad hoc bookmark: it lets you remember the current position, then navigate elsewhere in the file for a while, and finally return to the saved position.
The mark is automatically set to the current position when you use any of the "selection mode" commands - Edit.SelectionMode, Edit.RectSelectMode, Edit.LineSelectMode. (In the Workbench default mapping, these commands aren't assigned to keys; in the Epsilon-style mapping, SelectionMode is on Ctrl+Space and Ctrl+@, and RectSelectMode is on Ctrl+X #.) The commands to jump to the start or end of the document also set the mark: via Edit.DocumentStart, Edit.DocumentStartExtend, Edit.DocumentEnd, or Edit.DocumentEndExtend. The mark is also set to the current position at the start of a regular or incremental search.
To jump to the mark, use the Edit.SwapMark command (Alt+X in the Workbench default mapping; Ctrl+X Ctrl+X in the Epsilon-style mapping). This command moves the cursor to the mark position, and moves the mark position to where the cursor was before the jump. This command swaps the current mark and cursor positions, so using it twice in a row returns the cursor to where it was.
You can also select the range of text between the cursor and the mark, by using the Edit.SelectToMark commmand (Alt+Shift+X in the Workbench default mapping; Ctrl+X Ctrl+H in the Epsilon-style mapping). This simply sets the selection range to include all of the text between the cursor and the mark position.
Scintilla supports the standard Windows clipboard commands - Cut, Copy, and Paste - and these work like they do in any other Windows application. In addition, the editor has a couple of useful extensions that will be familiar to Emacs users.
The Edit.CutLineRight command works like the Emacs "kill" (Ctrl+K) command. If the cursor is in the middle of a line, the command cuts from the cursor to the end of the line, not including the newline. If the cursor is at the end of a line, the command cuts just the newline. If you use the command repeatedly without moving the cursor, the deleted text from the whole series is combined into the clipboard, so the cumulative effect is the same as if you'd selected the whole range of lines and used the ordinary Edit.Cut command.
Edit.CutLineRight is bound to the Ctrl+K key in the Epsilon-style mapping; it's not assigned to a key in the Workbench default mapping.
In most Windows applications, the clipboard holds only one "clipping" at a time; each Cut or Copy command simply discards any previous clipboard contents to make room for the new clipping. The Workbench editor, in contrast, maintains a "stack" of up to ten clippings. Each time you use a Cut or Copy command in the editor, the editor adds the new clipping to the stack. If there are already ten clippings on the stack, the oldest item is discarded.
When you use the Paste command, the editor inserts the "top element" of the stack. This is normally just the latest item you clipped with a Cut or Copy command, so by default, everything works just as you'd expect in any Windows application.
However, you can explicitly access older clipboard stack items by using the Edit.PastePop command. PastePop can only be used immediately after another Paste or PastePop command; the editor will ignore it if you use it after any other command (including simple cursor movement or typing). PastePop first cancels the effect of the preceding Paste or PastePop by removing the pasted text, then "pops the stack" - that is, it removes the top element. This makes the next older element the new top of the stack. The command doesn't discard the old top element; rather, it simply moves the old top element to the bottom of the stack. Finally, the command inserts the new top element from the stack.
So, if you use Edit.PastePop repeatedly after a Paste command, you'll cycle through the old stack elements one by one. Because the command re-inserts the top item at the bottom of the stack on each use, you'll eventually cycle back to the original top item.
The benefit of the clipboard stack is that it gives you more flexibility as you work on a file. If you cut a block of text in order to move it to a new location, the stack gives you a little cushion if you get sidetracked along the way - you can make some other edits before you get around to re-inserting the block of text you're moving, without worrying too much about the block being discarded by another clipboard operation. Even if you do a few cut-and-paste operations after cutting the block, you can still recall the block when you're ready to insert it by popping the clipboard stack.
Edit.PastePop is assigned to Alt+Y in the Epsilon-style key mapping. The command isn't assigned in the Workbench default key map.
Note that the clipboard stack position "sticks" even after a series of Edit.PastePop commands ends. If you use PastePop a few times to recall an older clipboard item, then you move the cursor somewhere else and use an ordinary Paste command, the new Paste will insert the same top-of-stack item that was last recalled via PastePop. Of course, you can then cycle back through the stack after the new Paste by using PastePop again at that point.
In the Workbench options dialog, under the Margins & Wrapping page, you can set a "right margin" for the text editor. The margin setting affects several things in the editor:
Note that there's a separate option in the Edit menu, under the Long Lines submenu - you can set the Long Line mode to Scroll, Wrap Anywhere, or Word Wrap. That option controls how long lines are displayed, and only comes into play when text exceeds the window's width.
The command Edit.FillParagraph can be used to explicitly re-flow a paragraph of plain text to fit within the margins. This is assigned to Alt+Q in the standard mappings. If you select a range of text first, the command will re-flow the selected text; otherwise, the command finds the limits of the current paragraph by looking for the nearest blank lines before and after the cursor position. By default, the command fills the paragraph to the current right margin, as set in the editor options. You can override the default margin by using a repeat count prefix (Ctrl+U in the standard mappings) - any repeat count greater than 1 is taken as the right margin column to use for the current fill. Use a repeat count of 0 as "infinity" - this simply joins the entire paragraph into one long line.
Editor windows can be split into two halves - upper and lower - each showing an independent portion of the file. You can use this capability when you need to work on or refer to two distant parts of the file at the same time.
The window splitter works like it does in other Windows applications. The little button at the top right corner, just above the scrollbar, is the splitter control - grab it with the mouse and drag it downward to split the windows. You can use the splitter control to adjust the proportions of the two "panes" within the window. When the window is showing just a single pane, double-clicking the splitter control will split the window in halves; double-clicking it when the window is already split will return to a single-pane view.
Workbench has a plug-in feature that makes it possible to add new editing features. The plug-in system is primarily designed for adding new language modes to the editor, but it has another benefit: all of the TADS editing mode features are part of a plug-in, so you can customize the TADS language mode by editing only the plug-in source code, without having to muck around in Workbench's innards.
All of the TADS auto-indenting features are part of the TADS-mode plug-in, so if you don't like something about the default indenting style, you can customize it by modifying the plug-in.
For full details on using the plug-in mechanism, refer to the file addins\itadsworkbench.h, which is part of the Workbench installation. That file defines the plug-in interfaces and explains how to use them to write new plug-ins.
The full source code for the TADS plug-in is in addins\tads3addin.cpp (and the related .h and .rc files). The source for the HTML/XML plug-in is in addins\htmladdin.cpp. If you want to customize these, you can make changes and recompile the plug-in DLLs using Microsoft Visual C++. There's a free version, Visual C++ Express Edition, that you can download from the Microsoft site: To build the plug-ins, use the addins/ makefile with the NMAKE build tool:
cd addins nmake -f
If you plan to build a new plug-in from scratch for a new language mode, take a look at addins\wb_addin.h. This file defines a set of base classes that simplify the process of creating a new plug-in.
Even though all of the supplied plug-ins are written in C++, note
that you should be able to use almost any Windows programming language
to create your own. The plug-in system is based on COM, which is a
standard Windows interoperability mechanism. Virtually all Microsoft
language compilers support COM, as do compilers from other vendors.